The nipples having cilium, sanken having or not cilium and little holes are distributed symmetrically around the oral sucker of cercariae. 尾蚴的口吸盘周围对称分布着有纤毛的乳突,有或无纤毛的凹陷及小孔;
Higher concentrations of albendazole and mebendazole exhibit no killing effect on C.sinensis, besides stimulating the motor activity of worm oral sucker. 较高浓度的阿苯达唑和甲苯达唑无杀虫作用,仅见口吸盘兴奋。
In addition to the short spines, there are two circles of non-ciliated papillae on both lips of the oral and the ventral suckers. Around the oral sucker, there are 12 papillae on the outer circle and 6 on the inner circle; 口、腹吸盘上除具短小的体棘外,均具有两圈感觉乳突,口吸盘上外圈为12个,内圈为6个;
The tegumental surface of the mainland strain of adult Schistosoma japonicum prepared by the CO2 critical point drying method was studied using scanning electron microscopy, in the depth of the oral sucker numerous silk-like villi were observed. 本文报告用CO2临界点干燥制样的扫描电镜术观察大陆品系日本血吸虫所发现的一些新形态结构。
The oral sucker was larger than the ventral one and formed an angle of 110 ° with the ventral surface. 口吸盘比腹吸盘大,与腹面略是110°角度。
The average rate of oral sucker to ventral sucker is 1.62-2.09:1, so oral suckers are apparently bigger than ventral suckers. 口腹吸盘比为1.62-2.09:1,口吸盘明显大于腹吸盘。